Website Notice
The Do's & Don'ts
This website is our creative effort; it is our pleasure to offer it to you. Please feel free to use it... reference it... link to it... print pages from it... and e-mail it to other people... Tweet it... add it to Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Plaxo and/or all other social media sites. Wear it out!
Nonetheless, this site is our property and copyright unless otherwise noted to be some other entity's.
Obviously, our logos, unique slogans, trademarks, and designs belong to us; therefore, their use without our permission equals misuse. Not all information associated with this website has been created or is owned by us. If you wish to use any other entity's material, you should seek permission directly from the owning / holding source. If you are not certain of ownership, we will assist your efforts to learn about it.
The One Thousand Tons Boutique is an authorized Amazon Affiliate Store. This means that all the products, excluding the music from "Bob Hughes - The One Man Band," is from Amazon and/or its suppliers. From the time that you click on an Amazon product link which is clearly indicated with its logo and yellow/orange color, you are dealing directly with Amazon: Your order will be assured by Amazon, the most successful retailer on the Internet. Upon approving your shopping basket, you are dealing directly with Amazon's secure online payment system. Further, shipment and unfortunate dissatisfaction matters are handled by Amazon.
We make every effort to maintain this site for your use. Our content, as well as other valuable content coming from reputable sources, is added if it is determined to be relevant. However, as we are dealing with ever-changing information, we can not assure the specific accuracy or applicability of the content at the time you view this site. Further, we are dealing with online web servers/networks and perchance stealthy hackers; thus, we cannot warranty "up-time" or freedom from any computer virus. Despite our dogged efforts, this means that the site may not be available to you just when you need or want it most. So, under no circumstances can or will we be liable for any loss of use and for any consequences which arise from the same.
Unlike other disclaimers, we are "stand-up" enough to shoulder responsibility for our creative materials and our statements or commentary, if any, in this site. However, we are not responsible for materials either provided by other entities or provided through links. Other than our own creative, more material is presented without our edits that affect the meaning of the original. This unaltered meaning allows us to disclaim any liability for the other entities' opinions, accuracy, context, negligence, misrepresentations, infringements, plagiarisms, or warranties, expressed or implied.
Additionally, we are not responsible for links outside our domain, or "nested" links, which may exist within a site to which we offered a link, or other nested links further removed. An entity's inclusion in this site does not necessarily imply either our favorable opinion, or endorsement, or guarantee. We make inclusion decisions based on our goals for this website's and expected viewers' interest in them.
Otherwise, we make no claims, promises, or guarantees about the overall accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of this website including but not limited to warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular use. In fact, we expressly disclaim liability for errors and omissions in the contents of this site.
We appreciate your feedback; but, we caution against your unsolicited submission of ideas. Since we have no formal legal mechanism to shield us from your disclosure, we can only accept your disclosure as freely given, thus requiring neither compensation nor inclusion. Furthermore, we will consider your idea to be our property with an unlimited right to use it for any purpose. Having stated the foregoing, if you still have an insatiable itch to see your idea online in our site, FIRST, email us. If we are interested, which we are under no obligation to be, we will respond. We will attempt to protect you and your disclosure under a separate legal agreement,
We, One Thousand Ton's Of Steel, do not collect data on you, or your computer... drop "cookies" onto your computer... or collect your email address, if sent, for sale or third-party use unless you have specifically requested that we do so. However, with your "opt-in" permission, we will keep your email address for further correspondence which may include, but not be limited to notifications of website updates, opinion solicitation, coupons, and other valuable offers. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we cannot assure the same for sites to which you link through this site, nor the servers and networks on which your connection travels.
Finally, if you view material that you believe is infringing upon your material which you can substantiate, upon your notification to us and our verification of the claim, we will either 1) better attribute the work to you, if it is poorly or not attributed at all, 2) modify the content so that it is no longer infringing, or 3) remove it entirely. Our goal is to uniquely brand One Thousand Tons Of Steel, not add legal angst to our existence.
Hopefully, we have applied enough legal "Teflon"(TM) to prevent any sticky situation. However, if you still have questions or concerns, please direct all matters via email to the email address below.