Sottile Honors U.S. Veterans
Twenty-one Word Salute (TM)

Welcome To Twenty-one Word Salute
21 WORD SALUTE is a personal honor reserved for American troops fallen in battle or considered killed as a result of action as determined by the Defense Department. Simply stated, if a war-fighters name is listed on any collective memorial of war dead, such as the Vietnam Memorial, he or she may be honored through 21 WORD SALUTES.
Unlike the 21 Gun Salute* (SEE FOOTNOTE) which is reserved for the President, heads of state, and selected dignitaries, plus rendered at noon on Memorial Day for fallen heroes, as a whole, a 21 WORD SALUTE can be rendered at any time, individually, for any fallen American hero whose stature with family, friends, and the nation is no less regarded, regardless of rank. It is, in fact, more dearly and proudly held.
While the current wars are off the front page of newspapers and for the most part out of people's minds, the wars are very real for family and friends of troops serving in them. And, when a war-related death befalls a family, it is left with the devastating reality of that tragedy.
With them lie our hearts when comprehending that the "ultimate sacrifice" refers not only to that of the fallen hero, but to that of the surviving families / friends and their future lives, forever.
We hope that you find our concept, purpose, and manner in promulgating 21 Word Salutes as noble as we intend it to be.
Thank you for visiting 21 WORD SALUTE. And soon, you will be able to render your salute as instructed herein.
John David "Johnny" Sottile
* A GUN vs RIFLE SALUTE (a "gun" = a cannon or howitzer) is different from the rifle salute which is a part of a military funeral. The rifle salute is thought by military historians to have evolved from a different path of tradition. Historically, gun salutes arose out of the practice of emptying navel war cannons upon entering a port to signify no hostile intent. In short, it was an act of submission. Over time, perhaps due to the customary return volley from the shore battery acknowledging the entering vessel, the gun salute became a salutary greeting. The number of guns has varied over the years and by countries. However, today, a 21Gun Salute is the protocol of most nations reserved as its highest salutary honor rendered to dignitaries. Lesser dignitaries are rendered a lower number of guns.
"21 Word Salute Conceived, Produced and Created by John David Sottile
"Here Lies My Heart," book/online editions: (c) 2007 / 2010, Susan Reeve Whalen.
"I Will Love You In This Song" (c) 2010, Sherma Andrews - Ladysinger, Inc
21 WORD SALUTE trademark & (c) 2010, John David Sottile.

After The Bugles (TM)
After The Bugles
Formerly Organized As A Corporation
Under Massachusetts Non-Profit Laws
and as a IRS 501-C3
· To conduct charitable and educational programs which benefit American veterans wounded in war or in preparation for war, and the families of fallen troops.
· To directly and indirectly assist veterans, disabled by war, plus their dependents, and/or survivors of deceased troops.
· To facilitate the discovery of available care and assistance to veterans wounded in war and survivors.
· To facilitate the public’s discovery of veterans’ charities, their purposes, ratings by charity watch groups, and support.
· To conduct other programs or exercise any power necessary, suitable, or desirable for the accomplishment of the foregoing purposes, including, without limitation, fundraising for the attainment of any objectives, or the furtherance of any lawful power.
After The Bugles Corporation was formed exclusively for educational and charitable purposes to assist all American veterans disabled by war, their families, and the families of fallen heroes Specifically, the After The Bugles educates the general public about disabled American veterans, their care, and their lack of care, plus the sacrifices of friend, family, through motion media, Internet and electronic publishing, telecommunication, and physical events and a variety of other means appropriate to the goal. The same approach exists for surviving families.
In this role, we are documentarians who seek the facts/truths and present them for public interpretation. We are not a political action organization; we do not endorse candidates; and we do not sponsor legislation. Through our efforts, we strive to inform and motivate citizens to become involved with disabled American veterans and the process that provides for disabled American veterans' care and benefits. Further, we strive to keep known and to address the sacrifices which families, friends, and communities endure in caring for the disabled and severely debilitated veterans, plus the lifelong mourning for fallen heroes.
About The Video...
Published on Nov 9, 2007
Two telecommunications experts hope to improve care for disabled veterans
with a documentary titled ``After the Bugles.''
``Most people think the government takes care of veterans,'' said John David Sottile ``And, they do to a certain extent but there are some that fly under their radar.''
Sottile and Lawrence E. Babb, both producers who founded a Sharon-based non-profit company of the same name, recently completed a 7-minute trailer.
With help from BCN Productions in Canton, they plan to expand the trailer into a 90 to 120 minute documentary. ``People need to see and hear (veterans) speak,'' said Babb, of Norwood. ``We're very factual and hard hitting to evoke a response from the American people.''
Their endeavor is endorsed by the Disabled American Veterans Department of Massachusetts. ``We were happy to endorse the project because it's reaching out and is going to talk about what disabled veterans go through,'' said Dan Stack, a department adjutant with the Massachusetts DAV. ``A great deal has to be done by organizations like ourselves to make sure they're taken care of.''
The DAV advocates for veterans who have been denied medical services by the Department of Veterans Affairs,
Sottile said. ``The idea of the video is to get people involved (in the DAV's mission,'' He said. "The Massachusetts DAV also recruits volunteers to drive veterans to hospitals and provides some financial assistance."
Babb said. ``There's a multitude of areas related to what the VA does but the government doesn't fund,'' said Babb, a Milton native. ``We hope to let the video provide a true picture of what needs to be done.''
Much of the trailer involved Massachusetts people, including the Rev. Bill Harding, a pastor at Bethany Congregational Church in Quincy. ``I'm really excited about the venture and what it will bring about,'' said Harding, a Chaplin Major in the Army who has preached in Iraq and Kosovo. ``Public awareness and involvement is the most important thing.''
Babb and Sottile hope to show their production at schools, hospitals, functions and a statewide telethon. ``Everyone's like let's end the war,'' Babb said. ``But that doesn't end the war for these folks. We want to make (life) as pleasant as possible for them.''
"Time" Music in this video
Time (2011 Remastered Version)
The Dark Side Of The Moon (2011 Remastered Version)
Richard Wright, Roger Waters, David Gilmour, Nick Mason
Licensed to YouTube by
Pink Floyd (on behalf of Pink Floyd Music Ltd.(2016)); ASCAP, Pink Floyd Music Publishers, PEDL, UBEM, LatinAutor, UMPI, ARESA, Abramus Digital, The Richmond Organization (Music Publishing), and 17 other
Music Rights Societies
"After The Bugles"
Larry Babb & John David Sottile
Kevin Friend & Kevin Bowe
DAV/MA Coordinator:
Dan Stack
Adjutant - Department of Massachusetts DAV
VA - West Roxbury Coordinator:
Diane Keefe
Director of Public Affairs
On-Screen Appearances:
Alan Bowers
DAV Past Commander - U.S. Air Force Ret.
Reverend William Harding
Chaplin Major - U.S. Army Active Reserve
Dan Stack
DAV/MA Adjutant - U.S. Air Force Ret.
Ted Mulvehill
Director of Veterans' Services / Norwood MA - U.S. Air Force Ret.
Past President - MA Veterans' Service Officers Association
Emma Sanders
DAV National Service Officer - U.S. Navy Ret.
Carl McMorrow
Assisted Veteran - U.S. Navy Ret.
Wayne Larocque
Sovereign Bank -- DAV/MA Sponsor
Off-Screen - Segments Not Shown In Trailer
Anthony Falvey
VA Benefits Coordinator / West Roxbury
Ralph Marche
VA Chief of Voluntary Services / Brockton
Shot On Locations with Special Appreciation
The Neighborhood Club, Qunicy MA
Outdoor and Indoor Sequences
Veterans' Administration Hospital - West Roxbury, MA
Outdoor and Transportation Sequences
Special Acknowledgement Transportation
Brian Simpson
DAV Transportation Coordinator
Special Acknowledgement Background Music
Pink Floyd -- "Time"
Copyright 2007 After The Bugles Corporation as Producer and BCN Productions as Videographer, Editor & Mixer

After The Bugles